Saturday, May 8, 2010

The shirt

Shirt designs are in!!  I put a printout of the shirts in the gym, all I need from you below is your size.

Sue to what seems like an unusual amount of distractions/interruptions (some from me), anyone who wants this shirt can get it.  If you DID finish all of the workouts, congratulations, you earned it!!

Just post your size below, I'm not sure on the costs until I talk to my screen printing guy this week.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


The final workout is a total of 500 reps.

The way it will work is you can take any or all of the exercises from the list below and do up to 100 reps of each to reach a total of 500. The only rule is you cannot do one exercise, move to a different one on the list, and then come back to the first exercise. Once you have "used up" an exercise, that one is finished.

A few examples to explain how it works:

I decide I'm going to do 100 of the following exercises to make up my 500:

100 Push-Ups
100 Pull-Ups
100 Body Squats
100 Sit-Ups
100 Box Jumps

I start my Push-Ups, but I get tired of them after I move on to Pull-Ups. I cannot go back to Push-Ups, since that exercise has been used already. I can take as many breaks as I need during the 100 Push-Ups, but after I move on to the next exercise, I cannot go back to do more of a prior movement.

I'll accept any exercise, as long as it fits into the "CrossFit" style workout program, but below is a pretty sizable list that you can select from:

Box Jumps
Sit Ups
Wall Balls
Double Unders
Body Squats
Back Extensions
Deadlifts (135m/115f)
KettleBell swings
Ring Dips
Burpees (Yeah Right!)
Calorie Row
Knees to Elbows

Any of the following weight lifts at (95m/75f)
Overhead or Front Squat
Sumo Deadlift High Pull

As long as your total reps reach 500, with no more than 100 reps of any exercise, the workout is complete!

Good Luck!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 11, Apr. 11-17

This week I was STUCK in Europe with the volcano eruption and I think creating a workout the week after the fact would be kind of unfair.

So we'll call this the "make-up" week of the challenge, since I wasn't able to do much working out either!!!!

See you next week!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 10, Apr 4-10

This workout is for all of the CFMN people who didn't submit me a workout...GuinessDog, SGP, etc. We have 2 more weeks to go, it's all downhill from here!!!

If you look at the main CF site, you know the Sectional competitions are going on for the CF 2010 games. All of the sectionals are different, but they require athletes to complete several workouts over the course of 2 days.

The Sectionals

Chose one of the following workouts:

1. Ontario Sectionals
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) 20 Minutes

Deadlift 235/150#
10 Pull-Ups
5 Ring Dips

2. Norcal/Midwest Sectionals

Against a 6 minute clock (record total OHS)
Run 800m
Overhead Squat 95/65#


5 Minute Cock (total reps)
Clean and Jerk 95/65#

3. Midwest Sectionals

for total reps:
5 minutes calorie row
4 minutes box jumps 24/20
3 minutes hang squat snatch (below knee) 75/45
2 minutes wall balls 20/14
1 minute handstand pushups

Here's a video of this workout at the sectionals...

Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 9, Mar. 28 - Apr 3

This week I'll post for another non-contributor, Mark Pauli. He's a mechanical engineer who lives in Madison, WI. He's got babies all over the place so he did half of this challenge, but if he doesn't finish, I totally understand!

The Odd Couple

5 to 1 of the following exercises:

Muscle-Up Progressions
20 Double Unders
Handstand Pushup Progressions
20 Double Unders
Toes to Bar Progression
20 Double Unders


1 to 5 of the following:

135/95# Squat Clean
20 Pushups
135/95# Push Press
20 Pushups
135/95# Deadlift
20 Pushups

What I mean by "Progressions" is to do what you are capable of...if you can do muscle ups, do them...if you can do jumping muscle ups, do them...if you can't do muscle ups at all, do a ring pul up and a ring dip for each count.

HSPU are the same, if you can fully invert, do it...if not, use the box or whatever.

Toes to bar is the same, if you can't do it, knees to elbows.

the lifts, of course if you need to scale, scale.

This is a good week to play a little catch-up, since the last week was a lot of stuff!

Here's a motivational video...I think I saw some people doing this at the gym last week!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 8, Mar 21-27

This week is from Paul Fern, who finished the last challenge but was not able to do this one. He couldn't come up with a workout that he felt "was going to be hard enough" for our challenge, so I'll do it for him.


Find your max reps/weights in each of the following exercises:

Pull-ups without letting go of the bar
Push ups in 2 minutes without knees touching the floor
Sit ups in 2 minutes
Bench Press (if you have a spotters!)
Overhead Press
Double unders in a minute
1600M run

Here's the deal this week: You can do these exercises split up any way you want. I kinda plan on doing them over several days. For the super-observant, I put the CrossFit Total in there (DL, Squat, Press), along with the strength portions of the Army PT test :P, so it might make sense to divide those two up into separate days.

I just wanna see my bench press max right now, so I put that in there, make sure you have spotters for that one! Plus, I expect to see Darcy turning in sub 4:00 miles this summer, so that's in there too.

Remember, good form is the most important thing, don't get hurt!

Here's a video of what I expect to see!

Good Luck!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 7, Mar 14-20

This week’s workout is compliments of Chris Tutka, one of the OLDEST Pipehitters doing the challenges.  Chris is pretty cool for being totally out of touch with my generation, and I think it’s pretty impressive that he can get on the internet (or “the interwebs” as he calls it), and navigate his way to this site.


All joking aside, Chris finished 3rd at “The Toughest Cop Alive” contest, and is a great CrossFitter and very disciplined…Who else can claim they do all CrossFit workouts to the max Range Of Motion by themselves, every day?!  Plus, we’re running the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon on December 5th, 2010 together, and he’ll probably beat me at that too!  (P.S. If anyone wants in, we have extra hotel room space and it should be really fun

Fran in a Boat (or on the Run)

21-15-9-5 Reps of:

95/75# Thrusters


After each round, complete a 400M Row (or run)


Due to great minds thinking alike, if you did the “Ode to Amundson” workout at CFMN that was scheduled last week, I will also accept that.  Just post your total time.


Ode to Amundsen

7 thrusters, 7 pullups x 3, then 800m
5 thrusters, 5 pullups x 3, then 800m
3 thrusters, 3 pullups x 3, then 800m


Good Luck!